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The true God, the one and only Divine, Eternal, Supreme, and Infinite Being, exists  Gen 1:1 and manifests Himself as a spiritual Trinity in three persons, God the Father Lev 22:30-33, God the Son Jn 1:1-3, and God the Holy Spirit Acts 5:3-4. All three are equal in power and glory, yet executing distinct but harmonious offices within the Godhead. God is unchangeable, omniscient, omnipresent, omnipotent, and perfectly holy. He is the Planner, Creator, and Sustainer of all the universe, of all existing matter, of all existing life, and of all existing beings. As such, He is sovereign in regard to the past, present, future Ps 2:1-12, 45:6, 110:1-7, Col 1:16.


Deity - The Lord Jesus Christ is truly God (Jn 1:1, Ps 45:6-7) , Divine and Supreme, God the Son (Ps 2:7), one with God the Father (Heb 1:1-3, Jn 10:30) and with God the Holy Spirit (Jn 14:16), eternally existent.

Incarnation - Jesus Christ willfully took upon Himself the form of a man (Phil 2:5-8) and as God took on human flesh (Jn 1:14, Heb 2:14) by means of a miraculous virgin birth (Mt 1:1-, Isa 7:14) wrought by God the Holy Spirit (Lk 1:30-35).

Sinlessness - Jesus Christ lived a human life of absolute sinlessness (Heb 4:15, 2Cor 5:21) to verify His deity and to fulfill His purpose in God's eternal plan of salvation as the perfect sacrifice for sin(1Pe 2:22-24).

Vicarious Death - Jesus Christ willfully and voluntarily sacrificed His human life and shed His blood as a vicarious, substitutionary sacrifice for sinners (1Pe 1:18-21), the only perfect atonement of the sins of all mankind once for all time (1Pe 3:18), thus providing the means of forgiveness of sin and deliverance from sin's eternal punishment (Rom 6:23).

Resurrection - Jesus Christ Who was seen of His disciples (1Cor 15:3-8), arose bodily and literally from death and the grave (Mt 28:5-6) in conquering victory over sin, Satan, death, and hell, thus insuring eternal life to all who believe in their heart and confess Him as Saviour (Rom 4:24-25, 10:9-10).

Ascension - Jesus Christ ascended bodily to heaven (Acts 1:9) to return to His position of power and glory at the right hand of the Father (Heb 1:1-3).

Second Coming - Jesus Christ is coming again (Jn 14:1-3, Acts 1:10-11), at the appointed time of the Father (Mt 24:36), first to call all who are in Christ - whether dead or alive - out of the earth to meet Him in the air(1Thes 4:14-17), and then to judge the earth(2Pe 3:10-11), the nations (Mt 25:31-32), the Antichrist (2Thes 2:8), and restore/exalt Israel (Rom 11:1-29, Eze 36:24-36). His return is imminent (Mt 24:44, 1Jn 2:18), literal (Rev 1:7), personal(1Thes 4:16), and pre-millennial (Rev 20:4,6).

Eternal Kingdom - Jesus Christ is reigning in a present spiritual manner (Ps 45:6, Heb 1:8,13) and will, following His return, set up His visible and eternal throne and establish His eternal Kingdom, ruling throughout all eternity as King of Kings and Lord of Lords (Ps 2:1-12, Phil 2:9-11, Rev 11:15, 19:11-16, Jude 25).


Deity - The Holy Spirit is truly God (Jn 4:24, Acts 5:1-4), a Person of the triune Godhead (Jn 14:26), possessing all the attributes of God (Heb 9:14), and equal with God the Father and God the Son (Jn 14:16, Mt 28:19).

Work in Salvation - The Holy Spirit executes God's plan for man's salvation (Jn 3:5-8, Heb 9:14), forming the true Body of Christ(1Cor 12:13) and building the true Church (Jn 16:13).

Work in Unbelievers - The Holy Spirit works in unbelievers to convict of sin and to convince of righteousness and judgment (Jn 16:8-11).

Work in Believers - The Holy Spirit works in true believers to regenerate or give new life (Tit 3:5), baptize them into Christ (Acts 1:5, 1Cor 12:13), seal them unto the coming day of redemption (Heb 1:13-14), dwell in them at all times (Heb 13:5), fill their hearts with the fruit of the Spirit (Gal 5:22-23), teach and give understanding to the truth of God's Word (Jn 14:26, 16:13, 1Jn 2:27), guide them in righteous living and in the will of God for their lives (Gal 5:16, Acts 16:6, 8:29), and to empower them for witness and service for Jesus Christ (Acts 1:8).

Indwelling - The Holy Spirit indwells the true believer at the time of his conversion, taking residence in the body of the believer (Rom 8:9,11, 1Cor 6:19), and remains there until the believer's physical death (Acts 5:10, 7:59).


Creation - Satan is a literal, personal (Mt 4:1-10), God-created angel (Eze 28:14-15); a supernatural spirit being.

Rebellion - As an angel of God, Satan rebelled against God (Isa 14:12-15), became the initiator of sin (Jn 8:44), and was thus cast out of the presence and favor of God (Eze 28:16). In his rebellion he also led a host of the heavenly angels to follow and serve him (Rev 12:4,9).

Work - He presently (Eph 2:2, 1Jn 5:19) acts as the supreme ruler and leader of all the realm and forces of wickedness and evil. He acts subtly and deceitfully(2 Cor 11:13-15) in constant active battle against the souls and minds(2Cor 4:4) of all mankind to try to frustrate the will and purposes of God (Eph 6:12), and to try to ensnare and lead mankind into sin and to eternal hell (Mt 13:19, 1Pe 5:8).

Punishment - Satan's evil power will only be allowed by God for a prescribed time(1Jn 3:8). Satan was conquered by Jesus Christ when Christ became the perfect sacrifice for sin when He died on the cross, shed His blood and then rose again from the dead (Heb 2:14). Satan is already condemned (Gen 3:15) to everlasting punishment and destruction in hell and the lake of fire, a place prepared for him and his angels (Mt 25:41, Rev 20:2,7,10).


Inspiration - The scriptures of the Old Testament and the New Testament, as originally written, are verbally and plenarily inspired by God(2Tim 3:16-17) Who used Holy Spirit controlled men to write down His Truth and His message into a Holy Book for mankind(2Pe 1:19-21).

Revelation - The Bible is the one and only authoritative revelation by God to man of Himself (Deut 29:29), of His covenants and dealings with man (Rom 1:18), and of His eternal redemption and salvation plan(1Pe 1:5, Gal 1:8-9).

Practice - The Bible is man's only perfect and Divinely authoritative rule and guide for doctrine, for faith, and for Christian living and practice (Josh 1:8, Ps 19:7-11, 119:105,130).

Inerrancy - The Bible is without error and completely accurate (Prov 30:5) and consistent (Mt 5:18) in regard to all matters of fact, history, science, philosophy, psychology, theology, and doctrine (Rev 21:5, 22:6).

Complete - The canon of Scripture was closed with the last chapter of Revelation, and that the Word of God is forever settled in heaven (Ps 119:89, Mt 24:35), and that there are no extra-biblical revelations of any kind today. There is a solemn warning in the last chapter of Revelation not to add unto these things, or to take away from the words of the Book (Rev 22:18-19).

6. MAN

Creation - Man was created by a direct act of God (Gen 1:26-28, 2:7), and not from any pre-existing form of life. He was also created in the image of God (Gen 1:27) in innocence without sin, as the highest form of earthly life and commanded to rule the earth (Gen 1:26, Ps 8:6).

Composition - Man consists of body, soul, and spirit (Eccl 12:7).

Fall and Sin - By willful sin (Gen 3:1-19), man fell from his state of innocence, with the consequence that all men are now sinners by nature and by choice (Isa 59:2, Rom 3:23, 5:12). Man despises God's holiness and disobeys God's Laws (Rom 3:10-18).

Condemnation & Judgment - Every unregenerate man is therefore under just condemnation (Rom 6:23) of his soul and body to eternal punishment in hell because of his own sin. All sinful mankind and this earth(2Pe 3:10) faces a great forthcoming destruction by the hand of God because of sin (Ps 9:17, Rev 20:10-15, 21:8), as foretold by God's prophets (Eze 3:17, 18:4, Dan 12:2) and by His Son (Mt 13:47-50, 24:37-39) in the Scriptures.


Is of God - The salvation of sinners from the eternal punishment for sin is divinely initiated (Eph 1:3-14) and provided completely by the grace of God (Eph 2:8-9) through the saving work of Jesus Christ (Rom 5:6-9, 1Tim 2:3-6).

Blood Atonement - The only way of salvation for every man is Jesus Christ (Jn 14:6), through personal willful appropriation of His shed blood as the offering for the atonement of man's personal sin (Rom 6:9, Eph 2:13, Heb 9:14, 1Pe 1:18-19).

Not of Works - Salvation is granted by God completely apart from any works, good deeds, or religious rituals, and no man can earn or merit eternal salvation for his soul in any way (Isa 64:6, Eph 2:8-9, Tit 3:5).

Belief - (The equivalent to Faith) God requires of the sinner genuine belief in Jesus Christ as the Son of God (Jn 3:14-18, Rom 10:9-10, Acts 16:31), as the only acceptable Sacrifice for sin (Heb 10:12), as the only Saviour of sinners (Luke 19:10), and in the authority of all His teaching and claims revealed in the Scriptures (Jn 14:6).

Faith - (The equivalent to Belief) Total willful active commitment by faith of one's heart and life to Jesus Christ is also necessary in order for a man to experience salvation from sin and to receive everlasting life (Rom 3:22, Gal 3:22, Heb 11:6).

Repentance - Genuine repentance (2Pe 3:9) and confession of sin from the heart (Pro 28:13, 1Jn 1:9) is an absolutely necessary requirement in order for a man to receive forgiveness and cleansing of sin (Acts 20:21).

Freeness - The blessings of salvation and everlasting life are offered to man by God as a free gift (Rom 6:23b), through Jesus Christ and through man's acceptance of the Gospel of Christ. Man's voluntary rejection of the Gospel prevents him from receiving the gift of salvation and everlasting life (Rom 3:24, 5:15-16).

Regeneration - When a man meets God's conditions of belief, repentance, and faith, he is born again by the Spirit of God (Jn 3:3-21), is regenerated spiritually as a new creature in Christ Jesus(2Cor 5:17), is the recipient of a new nature(2Pe 1:4) that desires to obey and serve God, and receives the gift of everlasting life (Tit 3:4-7).

Justification - When a man truly meets God's conditions for salvation, he is justified in the sight of God by the blood of Jesus Christ (Rom 5:9), he is pardoned of all his sin and punishment, and he is imputed with divine righteousness and newness of life (Acts 13:39, Rom 4:6,22).

Eternal Security - Every true believer is granted salvation which is eternally secure; his security resting upon the sovereign choice of God (Eph 1:4-7, 2Thess 2:13-14) and the finished work of Christ (Jn 19:30). The believer thus cannot lose his salvation by subsequent sin, and is not saved again and again (Jn 6:37-39, 10:27-29, 18:9).

Indwelling - Every truly born again child of God is baptized into the Body of Christ by the Holy Spirit(1Cor 12:13), Who takes up residence in the believer to indwell him with His life and power (Jn 14:16-17).

Heaven - All who are truly saved will spend eternity with Jesus Christ in His heavenly Kingdom in full enjoyment of God's divine presence and glory and in full participation of all of God's eternal spiritual blessings (Jn 14:1-3, 1Thes 4:13-18).

Hell - All who are not truly saved because of sin, impenitence, unbelief, and rejection of the Gospel of Christ, are condemned to spend eternity in everlasting punishment for sin in a literal hell and place of eternal torment and separation from God (Mt 25:41-46, Rev 20:13-15).


Inauguration - The New Testament Church was founded by Jesus Christ (Mt 16:18) on the day of Pentecost (Acts 2:1-) and is His body comprising of the entire company of true believers in Him (Eph 1:22-23), encompassing all times, all nations, and all languages.

Local Church - The True Church is organized into visible local assemblies of true believers in Jesus Christ(1Cor 1:2, Col 4:15, 1Pe 5:13). The organization and leadership of the local church is the responsibility of the pastors, elders & deacons(1Tim 3:1-13).

Autonomy - Each local church should follow the leading of the Holy Spirit in all matters pertaining to the local assembly and not be ruled by any hierarchy (Tit 1:5). Each assembly should exercise autonomy over its own ministries, programs, and affairs(1Tim 3:1-13).

Purpose - The local church serves primarily for the collective (Heb 10:25) sincere worship by true believers of the True and Living God (Jn 4:24). It also serves for fellowship, teaching, and strengthening of the believers(1Cor 14:12,26, Eph 4:11-12, 16), and for a witness of the truth of God's Word and the Gospel of Jesus Christ into all the world (Mt 28:18-20).

Practice - The local church is to be characterized by the faithful (Acts 2:42) preaching of the Gospel of Jesus Christ(1Cor 15:3), the teaching of sound Scriptural doctrine and truth (Tit 1:9), the singing of psalms, hymns and spiritual songs (Col 3:16), the practicing of New Testament principles of Christian living (Mt 18:15-20, Jn 13:34-35), and by the observance of the New Testament ordinances of water baptism (Mt. 28:18) and the Lord's Supper(1Cor 11:26, Acts 2:42).

Baptism - The single act of the immersion of the believer in water gives testimony through a solemn and beautiful symbol of his identification with the crucified, buried, risen Saviour(Col 2:12, Gal 2:27), and identifies him with the body of local believers. It also serves as an illustration of the believer's death to sin and his resurrection to a new life in Jesus Christ(Mt 28:19, Rom 6:4, Col 2:12).

Lord's Supper - The partaking of the emblems of bread and the fruit of the vine as a commemoration of the death of Jesus Christ until He comes(1Cor 10:16-17, 11:23-26). It should be preceded by solemn self-examination by every believer(1Cor 11:28). This ordinance is in no sense to be used as an example of ecumenical cooperation.

Testimony - The righteous living standards and the practices of worship, fellowship, witness and service of the church should shine as bright lights (Mt 5:16, Rom 12:2, Phil 2:15) in a world of spiritual darkness, glorifying the Name of Christ and attracting sinners to Him for salvation (Ps 40:3, Jn 12:32).


Righteousness - Every true Christian, through the help of the Holy Spirit, should live a life of righteousness and holiness, exhibiting qualities of honesty, integrity, loving kindness, and humility. The fruit of the Spirit should be manifest in every Christians' life (Rom 12:1-2, Eph 6:11-18, Phil 1:11, Gal 5:22,23, 1 Jn 3:1-).

Love - Every true Christians' life should be characterized by a deep, genuine, and motivating love for God and by a special love and concern for all his brethren in Christ in the church. He should also have a sincere love and compassion for the salvation of lost souls in the world around him (Jn 13:35, I Pe 1:22, 1Jn 4:7-8).

Separation - The Christian believer should live a life separated unto God and separated from the world and all of its sinful practices, pursuits, associations, and influences. This includes separation from alcoholic beverages, tobacco, cinema, theater, fornication and adultery, all forms of gambling, rock and calypso music and from all persons, places and things identified with such evil, worldly practices (Ps 1:1-3, Gal 5:16-21, II Cor 6:14-18, Rom 12:2). Believers should also separate from those who teach doctrine contrary to the doctrine of Christ (Gal 1:8-9, Rom 16:17, 2 Jn 9-11) and from disobedient Christians(1 Cor 5:1-13, 2 Thess 3:6-7).

Appearance - The dress and physical appearance of believers should be based on Scriptural principles and not on worldly fashions. Men should not dress in an immodest or effeminate fashion, and their hair should be cut short. Women's dress should be modest and feminine and their hair long. There must be a distinct difference in appearance between the sexes and between the believer himself and the World. A Christians' appearance should give testimony to his new birth (Deut 22:5, I Cor 11:14,15, I Tim 2:9,10).

Marriage - Marriage is a holy and divine institution of God, designed for one man and one woman to be united as one flesh in the husband and wife relationship. Christian believers are not to unite in marriage with unbelievers. No premarital or extramarital sexual intimacy is allowed by God's moral law. God hates divorce. Christian parents have the responsibility before God to train, chasten, and bring up their children in the nurture and admonition of the Lord (Gen 2:24, I Cor 6:13-20, Heb 13:4, Deut 6:7, Eph 6:4).

Witness - Every Christian, through faithful and exemplary living and witness should shine as a light into the spiritual darkness of his community and worldly surroundings, glorifying the Name of Jesus Christ. He should also give faithful witness to the lost of the saving Gospel of Jesus Christ (Ps 126:6, Dan 12:3, Acts 1:8, Mt 5:14,16, 28:19,20, Phil 2:15).

Service - Every true Christian should manifest a genuine concern and zeal for the advancement of the cause of Jesus Christ and of the ministries of the local church, offering willing and faithful service (Ps 100:2, Jn 4:36, Rom 12:1,2, I Cor 15:58).

Apostasy - Every true Christian believer is to separate himself from all semblance's of religious apostasy, false teaching and practice, as exemplified in many ecclesiastical organizations and denominations. He is to separate himself from any spiritual union with unbelieving and ungodly men. This separation is to be practiced with an attitude of love, humility, compassion, and a desire for the salvation of the unbelievers, but also with conviction, devotion, and faithfulness to God (II Cor 6:14-18, I Jn 4:1-6, Rom 16:17, Tit 1:13, II Jn 7-11).  

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