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Harbour Light of the Windwards Streaming Zeno Player



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The Harbour Light of the Windwards is a Christian organization, further characterized and defined as fundamental, evangelical, and conservative. It is owned and operated by Aviation Radio Missionary Service, Inc. The management and staff of the Harbour Light thus subscribes unreservedly to the published statements on Bible Doctrine, Christian living standards, and policies of Aviation Radio Missionary Service, Inc.

Contemporary Trends

Regarding certain trends in Biblical interpretation and religious practices within what is commonly known as Christianity, the Harbour Light takes the following position:

1. Ecumenical Movement - This modernistic movement, which attempts to unite all Christian denominations and even other religious groups into a great one-world church organization, has flagrantly discredited the Bible and undermined the fundamentals of Biblical Christian faith. It has discarded any Biblical basis for unity and seeks unity with no regard for spiritual, moral, or doctrinal standards. It has contributed greatly to the spiritual and moral destruction of millions today in many nations. This ecumenical church movement is building toward the great one-world church of the Tribulation which will follow the Antichrist and meet its destruction according to Revelation 17.

2. Neo-Orthodoxy - This liberal method of Scriptural interpretation is wrong and deceiving. Instead of presenting the Truth of God's Word, it attempts to discredit the authenticity of the Bible by presenting teachings of half-truths. It is inconsistent with true Biblical interpretation. It attempts to reconcile so-called "higher" or "scientific" Biblical criticism with the Word of God. We utterly reject this method and this movement.

3. Neo-Evangelicalism - This more recent movement is differentiated from historic fundamental Christianity seemingly more by attitude than by doctrine. This movement is compromising in many ways with non-evangelical modernists and liberals through cooperative efforts in evangelism, education, and other religious endeavors. It is greatly diluting the testimony and the message of true believers through such compromising efforts with unbelieving "Christians." We believe this movement is leading many believers into the hands of the ecumenical church, which discredits the deity of Jesus Christ, the true Gospel of salvation by grace through faith, and the verbal inspiration of the Bible.

4. Charismatic Movement - This unbiblical modern movement recognizes extra-biblical "revelations" superseding the Word of God which is "forever settled in heaven." This movement also accepts the speaking in tongues as an evidence of salvation and a gift of the Spirit for present-day Christianity in violation of clear Scriptural doctrine and admonitions. Erroneous Biblical interpretations and practices concerning the manifestations of the work of the Holy Spirit, the security of the believer's salvation, and physical healing also play a leading role in the charismatic movement's appeal, as it de-stabilizes and leads more and more astray from the true teachings of Scripture.


The Harbour Light stands firmly against each of these current religious movements which we hold to be anti-biblical and engineered by the cunning deceit of Satan. Thus, the Harbour Light will not in any way cooperate with any church, organization, or individual associated with any of these movements. Neither will we compromise in any way our doctrine, standards, or policies for the sake of maintaining any relationships with any of these movements.

This position precludes any organizational union, mutual interdependence, or active cooperation in any religious effort with any organization, church, or individual clearly identified with any of these movements.


The Harbour Light stands firmly upon a position of doctrinal and spiritual unity of all truly born again believers and followers of our Lord Jesus Christ. We also stand firmly for the doctrinal and moral purity and spiritual unity of the true church.

We therefore encourage active cooperation between ourselves and other fundamental, conservative Christian churches, organizations, and individuals who subscribe unreservedly to the same position on Biblical doctrine and Christian living standards.

We therefore will not engage in any active cooperation with any other religious organizations, churches, or individuals who do not subscribe unreservedly to our stated position on Biblical doctrine and Christian living standards.

Policy on Associations
and Cooperation

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